Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Freedom in Christ

Jesus will set you free
Over the last few years I have been following the Ministry of and learning the principals of being free in Christ through the teaching of Neil T. Anderson. Unfortunately Christians are so often caught in the enemie's web. If you are a Christian who is serious about your faith you will be attacked by the evil one, satan.Neil's teaching is very similar to many of the principals I have already learnt. We must never drop our Guard and as Paul says in Ephesians 6 use God's Mighty Weapons.
Below is a link to Freedom in Christ Ministries. If you are reading this Blog and caught up in besetting sin take some steps today to do something about it. If you are not a Christian and are caught up in things that give you fleeting pleasure but have you in an addiction I recommend you take some steps to Jesus also. Don't delay. Time is short.What you may think is good, and your right to do whatever you want, will probably destroy you.

Neil and others on his team have authored and produced some wonderful videos and books that I thoroughly recommend.


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