Saturday, August 20, 2011

Suicide Bridge-Old Coach Road


Suicide Bridge is an old bridge on the Old Coach Road which was used in the early days of Australia as a Cobb and Co. Coach route.Yes we had stagecoaches in Australia that were often held up by bushrangers.This bridge is in outback country between Wentworth in NSW and Renmark in South Australia.I have been taking photographs in this area for more than 40 years.I don't know why it is called Suicide Bridge but it would be very dangerous to try and drive a vehicle over it now. The Old Coach road can still be traced for a lot of it's former route but it is not a road as such but you can still drive a car along some parts of it. There are preserved wheel ruts from the coaches near Lake Meritti in South Australia.
I love how this shot looks in monochrome with just a few adjustments in iphoto on the Mac.

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