Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Quiet Time-Tape by Frank Hunting

This is a movie slideshow made from Keynote on a Mac just so the Audio can be heard. I have deliberately not made the video of a high quality to keep the file small.There is no vision of this talk just the Audio.I have created several photography courses using keynote and should this method work I may make them available on my blog. Also there may be more Christian teaching tapes added in this way.I have many titles by Frank Hunting on key Christian topics.If you search this blog's index you will find many of his written teaching  studies. I only managed to get 9 mins of this, this time but our "best men are working on it"(This means I need to do a bit more research).I hope what you have heard will have whetted your appetite.There is lot's more on this vital topic to come and there are notes that compliment the tapes.


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