Friday, September 7, 2012

"The Coming World Recognition of the Messiah" by Pastor Harold Long

The following taped address is from a series of prophetic messages given by Harold Long in 1978.
This one was on 24/9/78.
I may post some of the others at a later date.
The titles were :
"The Coming World Snatching Away" (The Rapture)
"The Coming World Religion"
"The Coming World Government"
"The Coming World Dictator"
"The Coming World War"
"The Coming World Role of Israel"
and this one.
They were part of the evening gospel service of the Church of Christ at Grote St. Adelaide South Australia.
Harold was the Minister who God used to bring me to Him.
We had the privilege of Harold and also Frank Hunting(on this blog) as our joint Pastors in partnership.
They complimented each other beautifully and had worked in tandem before in other churches.
Harold was very strong on Bible prophecy and also evangelism.
On this tape there is a Bible reading by both Ministers.
Both Ministers are now with their Lord.
You will not hear preaching like this in too many Churches these days.
The message is still as relevant as ever.
It may be that the Lord Jesus returns today or in several years time but if you are alive at the time will you be ready?

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