Saturday, July 27, 2013

Carmine's Antiques and Tapestries Gallery

Today we did one of our "half way" trips,picking up Granny from the Riverland at Blanchetown to come back to Adelaide.
We took a slightly different route home by driving from the Blanchetown Roadhouse across country to Morgan.
Morgan is a sleepy former River Port on the River Murray with much history.
In Morgan we came across Carmine's antique shop and tapestry gallery.
An amazing little place with a n amazing collection.
The Tapestry Gallery was all the creation of Carmine's late mother who did not start doing tapestries until she was 77.
We found a really interesting illustated book on the Phantom of the Opera.
The original story.
Well here are some pics to wet your appetite for Carmine's shop.
Morgan is about a 2 hour drive from Adelaide.
We enjoyed a leisurely trip home from there.
Stopping off at Mt. Mary and also at Tanunda where we visited Roger Murcott's amazing "Birds of a Feather " art gallery of Australian Birds.
I will write a separate post about that.
All photos taken on Canon 600D and with permission of Carmine.
see or email Carmine at

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