Monday, March 3, 2014

Best Visual Effects-Gravity!

It has just been announced that the film Gravity won best visual effects at the 2014 Academy Awards.

The Australian connection for this award is RSP (Rising Sun Pictures of Adelaide.)
They played a significant role in the film.See link below.

Here is the renentry sequence in it's entirety.
"Framestore" the  UK Special effects team for this film were presented with the award and also thanked RSP.
My youngest son Daniel worked for RSP on this film with others in the Adelaide Studio.
Well done guys!
And well done all the visual effects' artist families who have to sacrifice family time when their partners work on these films.
See my earlier post on this.
I am very proud of my son and his workmates.
Probably few have any idea other than families of these artists how hard they work to first of all get the skills they need and then to execute them.
Dan's blog link.

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