Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mutual Ministries-Gifts of the Spirit and other studies

Back in the 1970's my wife and I received excellent teaching from our pastors on the Gifts of The Holy Spirit and indeed on the Holy Spirit's role in our Christian lives.
We had study guides presented on
1. Mutual  Ministries-Using and discovering our gift or gifts in the Church
2. The Young Church in Action-Studies in the book of Acts.
3.The Holy Spirit
4.Spiritual Warfare
5. The Battlefield-in depth study on spiritual warfare.
6.The School of Prayer
7. Establishing and keeping a Quiet Time
8.Studies in the Gospel of John
9. Baptism
10.The men Jesus won, the men He did not win.(A guide to effective evangelism)
11. Miscellaneous truths from the Bible
12. Emotions and feelings.
13. After decision, then what?

In addition there were many audio tapes produced on topics such as
The New Man
The Second Coming of Christ

Some of these studies have already been posted on this blog and my Christian sermons blog. and on youtube(pembridge house) as audio tapes.

The New Man tape 3 by Frank Hunting is one of the most telling studies you could listen to if you suffer from rejection,are introverted, feel defeated, have low self esteem and many other things crippling you as a Christian.
Below is the link to it on my youtube channel.

Before listening to this audio you should determine that you will perservere to hear God speak to you.Blot out any judgements about the topic,the speaker or the audio quality.
I welcome any discussion or email about this message from genuine enquirers.

I am prepared to scan and make pdfs of some of the material mentioned above as an aid to you fully becoming a new creation in Christ.

Please note I am not a "qualified" academic type Christian. I am a layperson who understands well the battles we have as Christians from personal experience and know that my acceptance  of who I am rests entirely on the sacrifice Jesus has made for me on the Cross.
His acceptance means I can accept myself.

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