Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Breath of God-Dr J Sidlow Baxter

Sidlow Baxter was a wonderful Christian minister and author.
His books are great for devotional purposes and understanding the Bible.
Thankfully many of his sermons and teachings have been recorded over his lifetime on the humble cassette recorder.
I have been listening to one of his messages. "The Breath Of God".
Here is a link to this message.

It is not exactly the same as the version I have but very close.
Google his name and access his wonderful Christian teaching.
Source out his books.
"Awake my Heart"
"Strategic grasp of the Bible"
to name a couple.
An if anyone comes across a collection of Christian tapes in say a deceased estate, don't dump them but give them to someone who knows their value and can share them with others.
Below is a link to one of my blogs where I have posted a number of tapes in my collection.

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