Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Canon sfx170

I recently purchased this camera from an antique shop. Hardly an antique but it works well. 16 mega pixel and 16x zoom. Fully adjustable like a Digital SLR and looks like a mini DSLR but its not.Has inbuilt stabilisation.
I have been impressed with it as an addition to using a mobile phone when out and about.
Small and compact and fits in your pocket.
he only thing I don't like about t is the focusing method where the centre of he screen is enlarged when you focus and the shutter lag is  noticeable.
A bonus was it had a card in it with unidentified people in it in mountains in South America.
Here are some pics.
And here are some that were in the camera. Please contact me if you are in the pictures and tell me the story behind them.
Here is a link to where this is I think.


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