Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Chosen Global Livestream: Episode One

In this last week I have watched the first six weeks of "the Chosen" a mini series about Jesus and the Gospel story.
I watched to see if this was going to accurately  portray the Biblical accounts of Jesus life and times.
It is an amazing achievement for this band of people who have produced, acted ,written it and directed it.
If you are Christian many scenes will bring tears to your eyes.
If you are not you may be awakened to the reality of Jesus and His life and why He came to earth.
You will find the Director,Dallas Jenkins, a very enthusiastic promoter of this series.
The money to keep it going and producing it is being funded by crowd sourcing.
You may well find after you have watched a few episodes that you wish to contribute.
The acting is superb and the way the individuals in the series have been "imagined" based on scripture is I think remarkable.
I recommend this whole heartedly.
Below is episode one.
As you go through the series you will see by people's comments that lives are being changed.

Here us a link to an excellent review

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