The God of Israel will be your rereward. — Isaiah 52:12
Security from Yesterday. “God requireth that
which is past.” At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all
that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise from
remembering the yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God’s grace is apt
to be checked by the memory of yesterday’s sins and blunders. But God is
the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them in order to
turn the past into a ministry of spiritual culture for the future. God
reminds us of the past lest we get into a shallow security in the
present. Security for To-morrow. “For the Lord
will go before you.” This is a gracious revelation, that God will
garrison where we have failed to. He will watch lest things trip us up
again into like failure, as they assuredly would do if He were not our
rereward. God’s hand reaches back to the past and makes a clearing-house
for conscience. Security for To-day. “For ye shall not go out with
haste.” As we go forth into the coming year, let it not be in the haste
of impetuous, unremembering delight, nor with the flight of impulsive
thoughtlessness, but with the patient power of knowing that the God of
Israel will go before us. Our yesterdays present irreparable things to
us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return,
but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive
thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on
the bosom of Christ. Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him.
Wisdom From Oswald Chambers
Christianity is not consistency to conscience or to convictions; Christianity is being true to Jesus Christ. Biblical Ethics, 111 L
"Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on
the bosom of Christ. Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him."
You will find many sermons and studies by the late Pastor Frank Hunting on this blog and my youtube channel.
I have started an occasional reading of some of his devotional booklet material and Bible Studies.
These are some readings from his devotional book called speaking personally.
More to come in the new year.
Happy New Year for 2017 for anyone who comes this way.
To all my readers,listeners,subscribers, chance visitors to this blog and my youtube channel I pray you will have a Christmas time which is joyful and a time of relaxation and reflection with friends and family.
The meaning of Christmas is being pushed further and further away in this age however the reality of Jesus and his arrival on earth and his death and resurrection are still very real.
Have a blessed time.
Geoff Thompson
Kangaroos Christmas Barbecue(Vegetarian steaks of course)
Hot in Adelaide today on Christmas day. Will get to 40c and did yesterday as well.
Saw this guy in Adelaide Hills a week ago.It was hot then and this was how he was coping.
Ps. I have been reflecting a bit as we tend to do this time of the year.
I tend to do far too much internet watching stuff of favourite vlogs and I have not come across any of them as I have looked this past week that have actually written just a post sharing a Christmas greeting.
To cap it off our local memeber of parliament used to send us a Christmas card once, then it became a holiday greeting.
Today we got a happy new year. Where did Christmas go?
Here is just one pic of some of the books on my shelves.
Some great Australian Photographers and Bird Artists represented here.
Also some inspiring photo journalism and Natural History Authors.
GOOGLE them to find out more.
Many of these books can still be purchased as used.
Stavros Pippos-Australian Landscape Photographer
Richard Woldendorp-Australian Landscape Photographer
Robert Rankin-Wilderness Photographer and writer.
A Day in the Life of : London
The Soviet Union
Magnificent Australian Bird Photographers -Peter Slater
Australian Birds-Robin Hill, Bird Artist
What Bird is That? Neville Cayley,Bird Artist
Complete Book of Australian Birds- Readers Digest. Various photographers.
Every Australian Bird Illustrated. Various photographers.
Bird --Australia. DK Publishing
Australia's South East- Stanley Breeden. Photographer and Author
Rainforest Country-Stanley and Kaisa Breeden. Photographers and Authors.
Wildflower Country-Stanley and Kaisa Breeden. Photographers and Authors.
The Enchanted Canopy- Andrew W Mitchell
The Rainforests -- Darcy Richardson
Rainforest- Thomas Marent
Complete Book Of Australian Mammals- Australian Museum
Wild and Free-- Nicholas Birks. Former Australian Javelin Champion and farmer.(Birds of Prey)
50 Years Photographing Australia- Steve Parish.
This is my newly uploaded introductory video for my youtube channel.
You can access the channel by googling pembridgehouse.
Pembridge House is the original name of the house where I live.
Please note you may here a lot of birdcalls during the recording.
They are the resident birds in our backyard.
I wasn't aware of them while recording this.
This short video also is an explanation and motivation for my blogs.
This is the link to my main blog.
These are links to my other blogs.
Please feel free to contact and discuss anything on these platforms.
I am a retired public servant and also wedding photographer. I have also been involved in Churches since I became a Christian at 28. I sometimes speak as a lay preacher in both Churches of Christ and Uniting Church in Australia congregations. All these postings are diverse as they are meant to reflect the three worlds we live in. The worlds of Body,Soul and Spirit.
Thanks for watching.
Some years back we did a trip on a houseboat with some good friends.
We went from Murray Bridge to Mannum for a day trip.
Here are some pics. A river holiday in South Australia is hard to beat for relaxation and beautiful scenery.
Glen Thompson with Yashica super 8 movie camera on tripod about 1973
Often we have posts on photography sites
about what gear am I using? What's in my bag?
Kodak Cameras. Left;Kodak Brownie 127 camera;.
Retina 35mm camera on the right. Dad took most of his pics on this camera.
What are the must have accessories? What was it like in the pre digital days when
amateur photographers were very serious about their craft? This is an attempt to revisit photography in
the 1950’s. I was in my pre teens for much of the 1950’s. My Dad, Glen Thompson, was a keen amateur
photographer in those days. So what did he use to practice his craft? Camera: 35mm His main go to camera was a Kodak Retina 35mm camera.
had no rangefinder for accurate focussing,no meter,you had to activate
the shutter each time to shoot,manual rewind and counting to avoide
double exposures, had a flash synced at all speeds leaf shutter. It had a very useful depth of field scale to enable accurate focussing based on aperture range. Folding bellows compact but solid metal build camera. Aperture range:f3.5 to f16 Shutter speed range: 1sec to 1/5oo sec. T and B settings. No hotshoe for flash but PC socket for external flash. Focal length of lens: F =5cm I still have this camera and have used it often. It is still in working order and what I learnt photography with. The first camera I took a picture with was the Kodak Brownie 127 also pictured.
There would also be a Box Camera by Kodak 120mm film cameras: eg Agfa Isolette Separate range finder:to attach to top of camera. Lenses:close up lenses to screw on front of fixed lens. Filters:various screw on lenses for black and white work. Tripod: Note Book: Purpose printed pocket data recorder. Kodak Photography Aids: eg pocket Kodak Master Photoguide. Films: Negative Holders: Enlarger and Home Darkroom: Slide Projector: Portable Screen: Slide Boxes: Standard 8 movie camera: Standard 8 movie projector: Movie Editor:
Dark room necessities.
Agfa Isola 120 film camera
Exposure record notebook.This isvery helpful in identifying shots in my dad's archive of negatives.
This little book a wealth of informastion. Amaruer photographers f these times really knew their craft.
I am currently going through my dad's archive of negatives taken in the 1940's and 50's.
I am coming across pics I have never seen before and neither has anyone else.
I hope ,God willing, to put on an exhibition of his photos one day.
This blog may not get much update for a while.
This is a major project.
See earlier posts on my Dad's photography and influence on my photography.
To my knowledge no one else has seen these below pics before.
Scanned from negatives.
My Dad didn't print everything he photographed.
He processed his pics in a makeshift home darkroom with an enlarger he made himself.
Myself on the right and Andy Weight a childhood friend.Taken about 1955