As a resident of Adelaide who thinks it is one of the best places in the world to live and visit it is intersting to see our ranking on the Lonely Planet's annual top cities guide.
Below is how Adelaide's Advertiser reported this.
Blog Archive
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Indoor and Outdoor Church
This weekend I have had the privilege of being guest speaker at 2 Church Services in Renmark,South Australia.
The churches were the Renmark West Uniting Church and Renmark(Town) Uniting Church.
This has come about becuase when visiting my wife's Renmark family reasonably frequently we have attended Renmark West Church with her mother.
The Uniting Church has long had lay people preach in their services.
WEhen it became known hat I occasionally spoke at services in Adelaide I was asked if I could help out from time to time in Renmark.
This weekend was the second time I have spoken in Renmark.
It has been a really wonderful privilege to share with people in both of these churches.
Church is a great place and institution for many reasons.
Worshipping God,fellowship,christian instruction, and much more.
These are indoor Church experiences.
I am equally in awe of God and His creation when in the great outdoors of Australia.
Some say, like my late father in law, that the outback was their Cathedral.
The music of the birds, the wind and colour and wildlife bring me closer to God.
Indoor Church was Sunday.
Outdoor Church was on the Saturday before when I went with my mother in law to the Sunset National Park for a picnic and drive.
God's majesty was on display there and also closer to home.
Below are some pics and also an outline of the sermon I presented on Sunday.
The churches were the Renmark West Uniting Church and Renmark(Town) Uniting Church.
This has come about becuase when visiting my wife's Renmark family reasonably frequently we have attended Renmark West Church with her mother.
The Uniting Church has long had lay people preach in their services.
WEhen it became known hat I occasionally spoke at services in Adelaide I was asked if I could help out from time to time in Renmark.
This weekend was the second time I have spoken in Renmark.
It has been a really wonderful privilege to share with people in both of these churches.
Church is a great place and institution for many reasons.
Worshipping God,fellowship,christian instruction, and much more.
These are indoor Church experiences.
I am equally in awe of God and His creation when in the great outdoors of Australia.
Some say, like my late father in law, that the outback was their Cathedral.
The music of the birds, the wind and colour and wildlife bring me closer to God.
Indoor Church was Sunday.
Outdoor Church was on the Saturday before when I went with my mother in law to the Sunset National Park for a picnic and drive.
God's majesty was on display there and also closer to home.
Below are some pics and also an outline of the sermon I presented on Sunday.
Sermon for Renmark 27/10/13
Luke 16:19-31
The Rich Man and Lazarus
19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived
in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named
Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell
from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to
Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In
Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with
Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham,
have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool
my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received
your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted
here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us
and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from
here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for
I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to
this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to
them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they
will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Over the years
when I have tried to talk to people about their need for salvation , the
gaining of heaven and the avoidance of hell, this is a common retort I have
been given.
“No one has ever
come back to tell us what happens after death.”
But in actual fact
Jesus has done just that.
Jesus Himself rose
from the dead after His crucifixion and also then appeared to the disciples and
others in His resurrected body.
He had meals with
them and talked with them.
Thomas of
“Doubting Thomas” fame is reported to have claimed He would not believe until He saw Jesus himself.
When he did meet
Jesus and saw His nail pierced hands , he believed.
The evidence to
him must have been overwhelming.
But Jesus blessed
Thomas and told him how blessed he was to have seen and believed but even more
blessed were those who were not to see but still believed.
That means us of
course who have not seen in person the living resurrected Lord Jesus.
A friend of mine
has told me over recent months that he can’t believe until he has seen for
himself in effect, Jesus standing in front of Him.
I have argued with
him that even a blind person can believe in Jesus but can never physically see
My friend has also
argued how can you believe anything is there if you can’t see it.
I have then said
well you watch TV and listen to the Radio but you can’t see those electricity
waves or tv signals in the air but they are there.
Our radios and TVs
or computers of course translate the signal for us to visibly see or hear the
Think of the
marvel of the internet where we can now be instantly in touch with anyone any
where in the world and also actually see them on a screen and talk to them.
All those waves of
communication as they travel through the air and even outer space cannot be seen
until they are received in a device of some sort specifically designed for the
It is of interest
in the book of Job that God foretold
these means of communication centuries before they became possible.
He was reminding
Job of His sovereignty and absolute power over the whole of creation.
The marvels of His
Job 38: 1. Then
the Lord
spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:
2 “Who is this
that obscures my plans
with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
Reading furher
38:35 Do you send the lightning
bolts on their way?
Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?
Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?
as another translation puts it
“Who among you can
send lightnings and say I am here or there?”
This is
communication as we know it today.
The Bible tells us
that faith comes by hearing,hearing the Word of God.
By hearing the
word of God for a period of 3 years, hiding in the back corner of the Church,I
became convinced this must be really God speaking and He has a plan for me and
anyone else who will listen.
I was hearing the
Bible regularly read out and the minister expanding on the passages.
I heard enough to
take a calculated leap of faith.
It was not blind
faith as some like to describe Christians and their faith.
But faith does not
come by seeing the Bible says.
“faith comes by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
In my own l conversion
to Christianity I came to faith as I had committed as part of my marriage, to
attend Church with my Bible believing Christian wife and my eyes were opened.
Even someone
rising from the dead today will not convince anyone of their need to respond to
Human nature will
always find and excuse or argument to get around even something like that.
Because it is not
in our nature to put ourselves under the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We want to be
“captains of our souls and masters of our fate”
A very smart and
eloquent turn of phrase but if followed
it leaves us bankrupt when we depart this earth and often in his life.
We do want to
demand our right to our selves.
To be captain and
Our Creator is the
only one who can set us free from the law of sin and death.
If you have never
said yes to Jesus in your life it is not
too late.
If you have said
yes to Him have you really turned your life over to
The apostle Paul
tells us that the unspiritual man is blinded and cannot see or experience the
miracle of new birth and faith until he or she makes that step of faith.
We were all in
that state ie. Blinded, if we are Christians ,until we said yes to Jesus.
We see a very sad
story in our scripture brought to us today.
There is a rich
man, we are not told his name, and a poor man named Lazarus.
(There is another
story in the NT of a rich young ruler asking Jesus what he must do to inherit
eternal life and also another story of another Lazarus being raised from the
Back to these two.
They had both died
and “passed on” as we describe death
The rich man is
dismayed when he can see the poor man Lazarus enjoying the company of Abraham
in Heaven.
The rich man is in
torment in Hades or if you like Hell.
Theologians of
course argue about Hades and Hell.
We won’t explore
that argument today.
It seems to me on
reading this passage that the rich man is stuck for eternity.
Abraham tells him
there is no hope of crossing over to where he is.
He,the rich man,
apparently can converse with Abraham and begs him to send Lazarus back to earth
to tell his family in the hope that they will be spared from where he is.
Abraham points out
that if the rich man’s family had listened to the prophets and Moses and acted on the message they would have been able to avoid the rich
man’s predicament.
He goes on to say
if they will not listen to Moses and the prophets,they will not be convinced
even if someone were to rise from the dead.
The rich man had
obviously not heeded God’s commandments through Moses and the Prophets.
And this is true
of all mankind today.
Ie. As we now have
the word of God as explained in the New Testament.
It has been
revealed that we now live in the age of grace,not the age of the Law that these
two lived under.
As I listened in
Church to the Word of God faithfully expanded on ,and
explained, and the actual words of God read out, I grew into a believer.
Those words of God
were touching my soul,my heart, they were reaching in and ministering at a
deeper level than I had known before.
And I did have
some deep needs that had seen me floundering in life as a 20 year old.
After 3 years of
listening I made a conscious decision to let Jesus into my life.
I was 28 at the
I have never been
disappointed in that decision made nearly 40 years ago.
I have experienced
nothing that can assure me there is a better answer for all our fears and
frailties than the living, resurrected Lord Jesus.
I have experienced
much that convinces me even further.
That doesn’t mean
life has been a bed of roses.
There is a huge
chasm separating us from God unless we accept the living way Jesus has prepared
for us.
He is “the bridge
over troubled water”
Some of us can
remember the Simon and Garfunkel song of that name.
The way of
salvation that was open to the rich man and Lazarus is different to what is available to anyone who has been born
since the day of penetcost.
We are living
under a new covenant.
The message of
today’s reading is very relevant to us in that we need to respond to Jesus and
the message of the New Testament.
I realise that in
a place like this I may be preaching to
the converted.
But I am one of
those converted people and I too need to
make room for Jesus in the busyness and sometimes sillyness and laziness of my
Have you any room
for Jesus in your life?
We need to give
Jesus His rightful claim to our lives for our immediate and future well being
now, not before it is too late.
My wife Lesley and
I were married in the Cong Church here in Renmark in 1971.
One of our guests
was my late Grandmother who apart from my mother was a hugely influential and
much loved person in my life.
She was very frail
and unwell at our wedding.
We went to live in
Darwin straight after our marriage and we had only been their a short while
when my Dad rang one night and said my Grandma had died.
I wasn’t a
Christian at he time although coi- incidently we had a room full of Christians in our house on that
I never had talked
to her about God that I know, not much any way.
She had given me a
Bible for a Christmas present on one occasion.
Years later I
found in her Bible,(hold up) some important verses underlined.
One was John 1:12
“As many as
received Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God,even to them
that believe on His name.
There is a big
gulf between my grandma and I at the moment but Jesus has provided the bridge
to walk over.
He has also
provided the bridge between us and God.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Being Guided by God-Listening Prayer
I have just read of a devotional book that is apparently on the bestseller list.It is written by Sarah Young.
It is called"Jesus Calling"
Here is the link to the article I read.
It has been compared to "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers
Sounds like a timely book and reading this article I am reminded of some earlier posts I have on this blog.
Because of Sarah Young's prolonged illness I am reminded of the wonderful devotional books by Amy Carmichael who herself was bed ridden for many years.
See the link to "If" and "calvary Love" below.
Also I am reminded of the Oxford Group led by Frank Buchman last century.
There was an emphasis for those in the Group to have a daily quiet time and write down your guidance.
One of my own pastors Frank Hunting used to keep this practice and he had amazing Christian insight and was in my opinion genuinely guided by God.
I have just also been looking at this evening a book called "Forgiveness,Life and Glory" by one S.A Blackwood, compiled in 1865 from talks he gave in house meetings.
I don't doubt he kept similar practices.
I will get a copy of the latest book soon but we need to practice these things ,not just read about them.
Our lives and those around us we would be so much better if we did.
It is called"Jesus Calling"
Here is the link to the article I read.
It has been compared to "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers
Sounds like a timely book and reading this article I am reminded of some earlier posts I have on this blog.
Because of Sarah Young's prolonged illness I am reminded of the wonderful devotional books by Amy Carmichael who herself was bed ridden for many years.
See the link to "If" and "calvary Love" below.
Also I am reminded of the Oxford Group led by Frank Buchman last century.
There was an emphasis for those in the Group to have a daily quiet time and write down your guidance.
One of my own pastors Frank Hunting used to keep this practice and he had amazing Christian insight and was in my opinion genuinely guided by God.
I have just also been looking at this evening a book called "Forgiveness,Life and Glory" by one S.A Blackwood, compiled in 1865 from talks he gave in house meetings.
I don't doubt he kept similar practices.
I will get a copy of the latest book soon but we need to practice these things ,not just read about them.
Our lives and those around us we would be so much better if we did.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
More Skateboarding Pics-Adelaide
Some years ago I went with my sons to see a demonstration skate by Tony Hawk and Steve Caballero in Adelaide.
Here are a few pics.
See my earlier posts on skateboarding.
If I find some more pics I'll put them up.
Pics taken on pentax super A with 28-210mm manual focus Kiron Lens.
Here are a few pics.
See my earlier posts on skateboarding.
If I find some more pics I'll put them up.
Pics taken on pentax super A with 28-210mm manual focus Kiron Lens.
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Tony Hawk |
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Steve signing autographs |
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Tony signing autographs |
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Tony in air,Steve in blue t shirt |
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Local Hero-Jamie Thompson late 80's |
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I Love Cricket Books
Don't you love books on cricket.
I find some iresistable even though it is a strange game to many.
I have some Benson and Hedges Cricket Year books for sale.
I need to pass them on before I do.
My family are in horror at the mess they may have to clean up after I'm gone.
I am well at the moment but getting older.
They are editions 3 to 17 from 1983 to 1998.
Here are some pics.
I find some iresistable even though it is a strange game to many.
I have some Benson and Hedges Cricket Year books for sale.
I need to pass them on before I do.
My family are in horror at the mess they may have to clean up after I'm gone.
I am well at the moment but getting older.
They are editions 3 to 17 from 1983 to 1998.
Here are some pics.
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