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Frank Hunting on his 80th Birthday |
Delivered at Grote Street Telecom
Lunchtime Bible Study-30-5-78,6-6-78
Exegesis-- Frank Hunting
Very seldom, a bit more often likely to
happen these days with the
kinds of things that are happening,
but there, only a few years back
you could pretty well say that nobody
would see a robbery take
TAB’s and banks are being robbed today,
but that’s a new
phenomenum isn’t it?
But most robberies or murders that
took place, were never seen!
There was nobody there to witness it!
And yet the evidence could be so piled
up, that it became beyond all
reasonable doubt that a certain person
committed that robbery
or a certain person committed that
And nobody had any doubts about it.
Now the same sort of thing is true
about the Bible.
If their had been any reason or any
good reasons why the Bible
should not be received as revelation
from God It would long ago,
have been shown and exposed.
Because I don’t think that any book has
been so critically looked
at , as the Bible, no book that I know
of. Not even within cooee
have they tested out other books as
they have the Bible.
Alright ,now, let’s settle down. I
don’t think I’ll get through this
today so it will be on next week too I
would say.
So let’s settle down to “Rightly Dividing
the Word of God”.
And as we do the Bible itself helps us
in the first instance.
For it divides itself into the Old and
New Covenants or
Testaments and that’s pretty obvious
isn’t it?
The Old Testament. Any accurate
exegesis of the Old Testament
requires that we recognise several
simple but none-the-less
important factors.
And that is that the Old Testament is
made up of ,
this is perhaps the first division you
could make, you could make
others if you wanted to.
Law, the first 5 books
Drama. I’d put Job in there.Some would
put him in the devotional
but it’s certainly mighty drama.
Poetry or Devotional literature.
Prophecy (Divided into Major and Minor)
This has nothing at all to do with the
importance of the prophets.
Their writings.It merely refers to the
bulk, the size.
In the New Testament it’s made up of
the Gospels, biographical,
because they’re not a true biography of
the life of Jesus,
History, in the book of Acts, the
Letters, and Prophecy in the book
of Revelation and the other parts too.
Now each of these types of literature
or Books as we call them,
has it’s own special importance, and
it’s own special function in
the Biblical Canon.
If we are to rightly divide the Word of
God, we may need to be
giving attention to the special function
of the book we are studying.
For instance we cannot answer the
question: “ What must I do to
be saved?” from the Psalms. Or anywhere
in the Old Testament.
That question cannot be answered by us
from the Old Testament.
Before we move on to certain principles
to be followed in correct
Exegesis let us make one further thing
clear. Hear it from the Old
Testament itself!
The Old Testament divides itself into
two periods, any rate these
are very plain. There are others if you
like to divide it up.
First you have the Patriarchal period.
This is the time from Creation
to Moses. And the book of Genesis is
mostly concerned with this
I would be inclined to put the book of
Job into that period too.
It seems to have that sort of stamp
about it.
But Job has a special purpose with a
very special message.
It grapples with a very great problem
that’s still with us.
It’s the problem of a righteous man
suffering. The problem of pain
if you like,is part of it’s lesson.
And then secondly in the Old testament,
from Exodous on,
we have the Hebrew nation coming into
being and the giving of the
Law to Moses by God, for the Hebrew
people to keep it.
For the rest of the Old Testament we
have God’s dealings with
His special people Israel, in order to
give to the World the
Saviour, Jesus.
Now you can split that one up a bit if
you want to.
So then the Old testament is largely an
inspired account of the chosen
people of God, the Hebrews, under the
Law of Moses.
And how God dealt with them in order to
bring a rebellious people
to the kind of place where they could
give to the World, a Saviour.
They are a remarkable people on many
scores the Hebrew people,
the Jews, none more remarkable than
that they gave to us our
In some senses the Old testament is the
bible to the Jews, the New
Testament is the Bible to the
Both are the inspired word of God, and
the Old testament is the
soil out of which the New Testament
And it is very important for a proper
understanding of the New.
The Old Testament speaks powerfully to
the Christian but he is
not under it’s laws or commands.
The Christian is under the Law of
Christ, we’ve lived in the day of
Now admitted there are many more things
that could be said about
both the Old and the New Testament
which need to be kept in mind
if we are to rightly interpret the
Bible but I think enough has been said
to underline the importance of using
correct Exegetical principles
when seeking to interpret the Bible.
So let’s have a look at some of these principles.
So that we rightly divide the Word of
Well the first one is this.
In what period was this passage
Patriarchal? Mosaic? Christian?
This is the general outline and you can
take up the finer
divisions yourselves.(after some
interjection by Harold Long)
What type of Literature is it?
Law? History? Poetry? Narrative?
Apocalyptic? A Letter?
A Parable? A Prophecy? Promise?
Who is saying it?
That’s pretty important! In the Bible,
God speaks! Men speak!
The devil speaks! Inspired writers or
Apostles speak!
Jesus speaks!
So, who said it? That’s very important,
to ask that question!
Who is saying it?
The fourth principle is:
Before I move on, it’s quite obvious of
course, it’s so obvious but still,
let’s keep it in mind if we are going
to interpret the bible rightly.
But who it is that says it, gives the
importance or otherwise to what’s
being said.
That’s so isn’t it?
I’ll come up with some illustrations of
this later.
In the fourth place ,or fourth
To whom is it being said?
Now that also is very important. Many
different people are specifically
spoken to in the Bible.
There are some occasions when it is
being said to a certain
individual. At other times to various
The Word of God might be specifically
to the Jewish people,
they are the ones being spoken to.
On other occasions it may be for people
for whom certain conditions,
or to certain people doing certain
I heard somebody the other day say
“there is no promise in the bible
without conditions.”
Now I would say generally that’s true,
I can’t think of any one that’s
got an unconditional promise.
I’ve not been through to check it out,
that’s what I’d say next.
But you see when you’re taking up a
promise of the Bible,
have a look for the condition if you
are going to interpret the Bible
I meant to look up this quote and I
forgot, For instance when Jesus
utters the terrible woes in Luke, you
know he says, “Woe unto you
Pharisees, remember that frightening
He was not lashing out at them in anger
,or temper, or bad grace as
we would, it was a kind of last attempt
to have them see where they
were standing with God.
He was doing what he was always doing,
trying to redeem them,
I don’t know what you fellows think
about this but anyhow what I think
of this is that there are some men so
hardened ,so evil in their hearts
because of their attitudes, so certain
and impressed with their own
righteousness or importance, that they
don’t respond to the ordinary
appeals of Love and kindness. Only the
sting of the lash will
awaken them to their peril.
In the end they come up with things
that do not represent God at all.
So we’ve gotta watch that about
ourselves. Let’s take the hint.
Have a look at the rich young ruler for
a moment and we’ll apply the
principles to him.
Well in Matthew
19;16-22,Mark10:17-22,Luke 18;18-27 you have
the story of the rich young ruler.
And the ruler asked him,”Good teacher
what shall I do to inherit
eternal life?”
Now in my humble view, for what it’s
worth,that young man asked
the most important question anyone can
Now I might be simple minded, and I
might be quite naive, but the
more I’ve thought about life and it’s
meaning,and it’s purposes,
I don’t think we can ask any more
important question than that one.
And I’m not saying that because I’m an
old bloke now, with one foot
in the grave and another on a banana
I’ve thought that since I was a young
I ‘ve known nothing I’ve come across to
change my view on that one.
That seemed to me as a young man to be
the most important
question asked and answered. I still
see it that way.
Well, there are many,many important
questions which we ought to ask
and get answers to.
This is the most important.
What must I do to inherit eternal lfe?
To which question Jesus gave an
answer,so, let’s apply the principles
of Exegesis.
Who asks the question?
The rich young ruler.
A conscientious jew, who really wants
to know.
Who gives the answer? Jesus!
You couldn’t get a higher authority,
could you now?
In what period did this take place? In
what dispensation?
In the period when Jews were under Law!
That’s when it took place. Not in the
period, or era, or dispensation
of grace.
Still under the old jewish law! Hence
Jesus gives the only answer
that could be given to that young man!
But it is not the answer that we would
have to give to that question.
Why? Because we are no longer in the
period of law.
By the great Goodness and Grace of God
we are in the Gospel
era, the era of Grace!
So the answer is a very different one
that we give!
Now, for that is so, and I’m not just
saying that. And a very similar
question is asked of Peter on the day
of Pentecost, and if you read
through the book of Acts, you’ll find
it answered in various ways.
But you’ll find that the identical
question is also asked by the jailer of
Paul in the 16th Chapter.
Peter is asked this question on the day
of Pentecost.
“Brethren what shall we do?”
Now you’ll remember that that question
came out of agony.
They were cut to the heart by what they
had heard of the gospel
preached by Peter.
What are we to do? The answer is
given,repent and be baptised
everyone of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of
your sins and you shall receive the
Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Now Paul is asked the same question by
the jailer.
“Men ,what must I do to be saved?”
(addressing Paul and Silas)
The answer is not the one which Jesus
gave. Not at all!
He gave the answer, “keep the law” .
That was His answer.
Why? Because the time or period of the
Mosaic Law has been
fullfilled by the time the jailer asks
We’re now under Grace. We’re in that
We’re in the Gospel era.
It would have been quite wrong for Paul
to have told that jailer the
same answer that Jesus gave to the rich
young ruler.
Paul’s(Paul and Silas) answer is
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and
you will be saved ,you and your
And if you are a good exegete, you will
read the next verse.
“And they spoke the word of the Lord
unto him and to all that were
in his house; and he took them the same
hour of the night, and
washed their wounds, and he was
baptised at once, with all his
family”(Acts 16:32)
The word of the Lord was very fully and
thoroughly taught to this man
who wanted to know what he had to do to
be saved.
Now another point in exegesis, a
further point, would be this,did you
note that Peter begins his answer with
a command to repent and says
nothing about belief? At all!
It says repent and be baptised in the
name of Jesus Christ for the
remission of your sins.
Now why did he leave out belief?
Why didn’t he? Well it becomes quite
obvious when you read the
context ,and what we learned last week,
that you always study the
context. So that you get the accurate,
the right meaning.
Well when you read the context it
becomes very very clear, that
the men who ask, or the people who ask
what are we to do,
believe what he has said!
And what has he said? He has said Jesus
(taught?) as their Messiah,
crucified, raised by God, to save them
from their sins!
And that’s what they believed. Now, the
next thing thet they’re to do
is to repent. To be Baptised, to
receive the Holy Spirit.
Now that’s what good exegesis brings
out and makes very clear.
But the Jailer, he had to start with
That was his first and primary need.
From there ,the word of the Lord is
spoken to them and, as
consequence, he and his household are
So, why was this profound change? The
new covenant which God
had promised in Jeremiah 31;31-34 has
I don’t know whether you are aware of
this passage, but here it is.
“Behold the day is come saith the Lord
that I will make a new covenant
with the house of Israel, and with the
house of Judah, not according to
the covenant that I made with their
fathers on the day that I took them
by the hand to bring them out of the
land of Egypt, which my
covenant they broke although I was a
husband unto them
saith the Lord.
Butr this shall be the covenant that I
will make with the house of
Israel. After those days, saith the
Lord ,I will put my Law in their
inward parts and write it in their
hearts and I will be their God and they
shall be my people.”
And there’s the promise of the new
covenant which has come
by the time that the Peter has to
answer that question and which Paul
has to answer to.
The new covenant,the day of Grace.
Boy am I glad that I’m living in the
day of Grace!
Very much so!
Now let’s have a look at Luke 22: 29-30
and apply the principles
of exegesis we have been studying.
You will clearly see that these remarks
are made by Jesus .
Perhaps if I read them to you that will
put you in the picture a bit.
(edited ou the bit about his wife’s
cooking making things difficult.)
“And I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my
Father hath appointed unto
me that you may eat and drink at my
table and my Kingdom and sit
on thrones judging the 12 tribes of
Alright let’s apply the principles of
1. You will clearly see that these
remarks are made by Jesus
Who is saying it? That was one of our principle
wasn’t it?
2. They are made to the Apostles.
To whom is it being said?
And then note this they are said to the
Apostles alone.
So they are the only ones who are going
to sit on the 12 thrones
judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
You won’t be, I won’t be, the
Archbishop of Yorke won’t be nor
will the Pope of Rome!
I’m not being funny I’m just saying
clearly, just what it says.
For instance just looking at another
principle just being applied,
Christians have had. I don’t no whether
they do it these days, but
they used to have what they called
“tarrying” meetings.
Meetings at which they waited and
prayed for the Holy Spirit
to fall upon them ,or to come afresh
,if you like, and we sing a chorus
that’s not scriptural, “Spirit of the
Living God, fall afresh on me.”
We sing it with great gusto ,because we
love the tune ,and we vaguely
think that it’s quite accurate ,but
their are lots of things that are not in
the scripture ,in that chorus that we
Well folk used to have these tarrying
meetings to, well they’d
ask perhaps for the baptism or the
filling of the Holy Spirit.
Now this practice was based so it was
claimed upon scripture,
and the scripture was Luke 24:49 and
Acts 1: 4-5.
Where Jesus told his Apostles, if you
look those passages up,
that they were to wait in Jerusalem
until they were clothed
with power from on high.
Is that right? If you’ve looked it up
you will find that to be the case.
Now let’s apply exegetical principles.
Who is the speaker?
The answer is Jesus. Our highest
To whom is Jesus speaking?
The answer is The Apostles . The text
makes that very clear.
Are we included in this command? The
answer is no!
It’s to the Apostles and to the
Apostles alone.
We cannot tarry in Jerusalem. And
furthermore the purpose of the
tarrying has long since been fulfilled.
But when we get this Idea that the
Christians have got to tarry
and wait for the Holy Spirit, we are
going to give a slant to
teaching about the Holy Spirit that the
scriptures don’t know.
Because we are not applying the
principles of exegesis.
This taking of a command given
specifically to the Apostles and to
the Apostles alone, and making it
present day practice gives a
wrong slant to our understanding of the
Holy Spirit filling us.
This practice gives the idea that if we
want to be filled with the
Holy Spirit, we must tarry we must wait
upon God.
For it, to be filling or Baptism, or
whatever you’re looking for,
until He is gracious enough to give it!
Now that idea is entirely out of step
with the scripture!
The scripture makes it very clear the
Holy Spirit was given in all His
fullness on the day of Pentecost!
HE has never been withdrawn. Whether
you can believe it or
whether you don’t, this is true!
He is as available to you and me,
today,as He was to those Christians
on the first day they heard that first
Gospel sermon.
Under Peter’s preaching.
We do not need to wait for God to give
us the Holy Spirit.
Something He has already done, and you
know a lot of our praying,
you know if God could speak to us do
you know what he would say?
“Listen son, wake up to yourself! I’m
giving you this will you
please take it and not ask for it!
You keep on asking and I’m handing it
to you and you won’t take it!”
You keep on asking, asking,
asking,asking just take it!
Am I going to get the grace of God by
asking for it ? No!
This teaching on acts 2:38 in particular is something I hold dear and makes understanding all the differences of opinion about things like Baptism in the Spirit, our salvation and how we appropriate that so much clearer.
For one lady in particular these lunch time meetings became her Church as she had difficulties attending on Sundays.
We had set printed studies prepared by Frank that we studied at these meetings.
I have most of those studies and if anyone is interested I can make them available in PDF form.
geoff thompson
Footnote: A wonderful book was written by the late J. Sidlow Baxter called the "The Strategic Grasp of the Bible".
I believe it is available as a free down;loadable PDF. You might find copies available for sale on the internet.
It is highly recommended.
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